Monday, March 22, 2021

The Honjo Masamune

"The finest Japanese sword to ever have existed."

The Honjo Masamune is a traditional Japanese sword forged by the priest and legendary swordsmith Goro Nyudo Masamune. Masamune is believed to have actively made swords during the late 13th and early 14th centuries and is considered by many to have perfected the art. His blades are renowned for their superior quality and beauty in a time when metals were heavily impure.

Swords were often gifted their own name, including the name of their maker who also, in the process of their making, imparted them with a spirit of their own. It is not known for certain how the Honjo acquired its name, but it is thought that it is derived from the name of a General whose helmet was cleaved by the sword. But instead of dying the General rallied and later took the sword for himself.

The Honjo was carried by the Shogunate during battle in the Edo period and was handed down through the generations from one warrior to another. Eventually it found its way to the Tokugawa clan where it stayed until the end of WWII.

Unfortunately, a law was passed requiring Japanese citizens to hand their swords which were then melted down. The Honjo was turned in by its owner, but it's final fate is unclear.

Records show that the sword was handed over to an American soldier, but that is where the tale ends. It is possible that the sword was hidden away to avoid being melted down, but most feel that the a soldier, under a false name, took the sword home as a souvenir.

The Honjo is believed to be Masamune's finest sword and is revered to this day as a Japanese national treasure. I personally hope that the sword avoided destruction and that, even if  only a slight chance, it will be discovered again and returned to Japan.

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