Friday, September 18, 2009

CDC Update: Swine Flu Parties?

What is a swine flu party? Well it's where a bunch of people purposely come into close contact with a person who is mildly ill with the 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) virus with the intention of getting sick. The hope is to create a natural immunity that will defend against a more serious form of the virus later on. Sound nuts? Here is what the CDC feels about it.

The CDC advises against swine flue parties due to the fact that it is impossible to predict with any certainty how any one person will react to the virus. Although many individuals have successfully recovered from illness without outside medical attention, fatalities have occurred. To purposely expose oneself to the virus is too risky.

Furthermore, if you start to have flu-like symptoms it is best to stay home. Don't go out of your house until 24 hours after the fever has broken unless you are seeking medical attention. Persons living in the same home who are not ill may still go to work. Just be sure to monitor yourself for symptoms.

Other precautions include disposing of tissues properly, and washing your hands with soap and warm water for a minimum of 20 seconds; do this frequently especially after sneezing. If soap and water is not available use an alcohol based hand sanitizer.

For more information please refer to

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