Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Dr. Physick's Black Cherry Soda

In 1807 the pioneering Dr. Philip Physick of Philadelphia, Pa. introduced to the American people a carbonated beverage for which he believed would  aid in the relief gastric disorders. Later, flavoring was added to make the concoction more palatable and thus "America's First Soda" was born.

Today Dr. Physick's great-great-great grandson, J. Del Conner, share's his ancestor's legacy by bottling the original formula for the enjoyment of the public. Bottles of black cherry flavored soda can be purchased at Dr. Physick's historical home at 321 South 4th St., and other shops around the Independence Mall area.

I got my first sample while taking a carriage tour with my parents. As we were narrated on the history of the buildings surrounding us our driver curiously pulled over in front of the Physick House, wrapped on the door, and out popped a man in period costume with big bushy eyebrows. After a few seconds of whispering shared between the two, our guide continued with stories for our historical enlightenment.

A moment later out comes Mr. Connor, Dr. Physick's descendant, with three bottles of soda. After our thankyou's were exchanged we continued our expedition with a tasteful, old fashioned, and original souvenir that made our experience all the better. We drank happily while taking in the sights and I have to say I can't imagine a better way to experience Philadelphia for the first time!

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